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Is the planet of fire controlling all kinds of fire elements. Malefic in nature and denotes aggression, fights, courage, police, etc. Rules Aries and Scorpio signs in the zodiac. High energy is consumed at a very fast pace. Also a significator of death.
Is a shadow planet not having ahead. Rules Scorpio and Pisces. Ketu debilitates the moon, not mars. Has no head and so destroys the moon (mind) very badly. Represents a sage, hermit, widower, nullity, void, nagas, extreme heating that destroys everything, army personnel, upward direction moksha, etc. Mars energy multiplied 100 times is Ketu. Ketu can make a person go mad if it affects the lagan or moon. It is a big zero and whatever Ketu touches it makes it null. Ketu should not be conjoined with any planet or else the planet is gone from your life. Only Jupiter can control Ketu. Jupiter turns Ketu into a great scholar and forms a guru parampara yog. Ketu is very beneficial for the spiritual path but we are all in the material world for which Ketu is not good, is destructive, and can destroy anything.
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When mars and Ketu conjoins a yog for extreme energy Is formed. The person will be warm to the touch and will feel warm all the time. Mars and Ketu make the fire in the body and if out of proportion, severe problems arise.
- Extremely angry and violent behavior. Many people with this yoga are convicted for violent crimes. Too much heat destroys water in the body causing emotional imbalance.
- When directly affecting the moon, or, moon involved with mars and Ketu then insanity or whimsical behavior can occur.
- If Jupiter is weak then the yoga turns into paranormal activity. This energy is so strong that it attracts negative entities. Native can have partial or complete possession, erratic or destructive behavior. For complete possession, Jupiter should be affected badly and backlash should also be involved. Generally, it is observed that this type of native may behave in an odd manner causing problems for themselves and others. Many natives say they lose control. They do not know why. Sleep is marked with bad dreams and sleep paralysis.
- This yoga in Kendra is more and more malefic than in any other house as it will also create a sarp dosh.
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This is a malefic yog. It may not be severe as possession always, but natives do loose
control and create issues and problems for themselves and their families. A lot of spouses of such natives have constant complaints of abusive behavior and violence at home. Native turns to break things at home. AT night pishacha is very strong. Home peace is destroyed and various negative issues for spouses occur. Spouse complain of a different kind of person in the night and is scared of what the native can do.
In Scorpio Lagna, the moon is on lagan and this yog (Mars and Ketu) is forming in the 10th house. Rahu is in the 4th house. Moon is debilitated in lagan as bhadak in sthir lagan. Jupiter is in the 12th house. A lot of obstacles in life. Both Lagna lords are forming siddhi yoga in the 10th house of work. A very capable person with an explosive personality. Jupiter is in the 12th house (not good ) aspected by Rahu and debilitated Saturn in the 6th house. No natural protection is there. 4th house is aspected by Mars and its significator moon is also aspected by 4th aspect of mars and debility makes a person leave home and country. Native turns abusive at home. Since mars are also the 6th house lord, the native will suffer from severe black magic and everything can be ruined and a fresh start is required.
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Writer - Mala Chatterjee
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