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Ayurveda is a natural healing system that originated in India. A woman's menstrual cycle is a peek into her reproductive health. The average menstrual cycle lasts roughly 28 days, but our bodies aren't always as predictable as clocks. Periods could be irregular and delayed periodically.
When periods get extremely regular, however, it suggests that the body is experiencing serious hormonal imbalances.
While some discomfort and agony are typical throughout menstruation, irregular periods should be treated with caution because they could indicate other health issues.
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What are the symptoms of irregular periods?
You have an irregular cycle if the length of time between ending and starting your period varies greatly from month to month. Here are some signs you could notice if your periods are irregular.
- You're experiencing bleeding that's not part of your monthly cycle.
- Even after menopause, you have periods.
- You're having longer, heavier periods than normal
- Every 21 days, the period occurs multiple times.
- You have your menstruation less than once every 35 days.
There's no reason to be worried if you're encountering any of these symptoms. In most cases, irregular menstrual are caused by hormonal imbalances brought on by poor lifestyle and eating choices. Let's look at what Ayurveda has to say about menstruation and menstrual wellness.
Ayurveda’s insight into menstruation:
Ayurveda offers ample insight and knowledge into the reproductive system of women, allowing us to understand how to healthily overcome irregular periods. Because it helps a woman's body to rejuvenate and remove toxins, the menstrual period is seen as a blessing.
According to Ayurveda, the 3 doshas Vata, Kapha, and Pitta, impact every woman's menstrual cycle. You can manage to maintain a normal menstrual cycle by knowing the prevalent doshas in the body and making the necessary changes in diet and lifestyle.
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What causes irregular menstrual as per Ayurveda?
The Ayurveda subdoshas of Vata which influences the menstrual cycle is Apana Vata. It's located in the lower belly and controls the downward movement of the digestive, urinary, and reproductive systems. As per Ayurveda, irregular periods are caused by an imbalance of this specific dosha.
Stress, poor food, lack of physical activity, long-term illness, over-exertion, and certain drugs all contribute to Apana Vata imbalance.
In rare situations, underlying disorders such as Ectopic pregnancy, Anemia, Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome, Anorexia, or Thyroid can induce irregular periods. In addition, irregular periods are prevalent at the start of periods and throughout the pre-menopause stage. Embracing an Ayurvedic lifestyle plus food might provide relief in any situation.
Approach to cure as per Ayurveda:
Proper dietary:
Ayurveda emphasizes the importance of eating a balanced, nutrient-dense diet. If you don't eat within regular intervals and also at the right times, your hormone levels will fluctuate, affecting your menstrual cycle. During menstruation, one should eat light meals, avoid meat, sweets, and pickles to keep the digestive tract in good working order and prevent causing further discomfort.
Healthy Lifestyle:
Stay healthy by exercising at least once a month. Yoga is the most effective way to control hormones and menstruation. Exercising regularly also aids in weight maintenance, which is necessary for keeping a regular cycle. The menstrual cycle is directly affected by sudden weight reduction or growth.
Make sure you get enough rest throughout your period. Exercising during your period can be damaging to your health. Traditional wisdom suggests that you should rest during your menstruation to maintain a good hormonal and uterine equilibrium.
Menstruation comes as a guest in the woman's body. This guest comes regularly during a period and gives pain as you know guests give sometimes. But if this guest does not come regularly that is also a kind of an issue. Ayurveda is concerned over this as mentioned, diet or physical health factors could lead to this problem.
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