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Medical astrology assigns each planet an illness. Ayurveda states all illness starts in the mind and extends to the body, causing suffering. In astrology, a malefic Moon causes local ailments. Let's first learn about the Moon in Vedic astrology.
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Medical astrology's Moon representation
- Moon rules the psyche. Astrologers believe the Moon boosts attention, meditation, and cold resistance.
- The Moon also regulates body fluids. It also controls the vision and emotions. The Moon's quick movement causes mood swings.
- Moon and Mars oversee women's menstrual cycles.
- Afflicted Moon denotes the planet is in conjunction with Mars, Rahu, Ketu, or Saturn. It could cause emotional and mental troubles and illnesses in the native.
- Astrologically, a weak Moon is debilitated. When Moon is in Scorpio, the native is feeble. It causes emotional swings and mental issues (mostly). Mental instability occurs.
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Malefic illnesses Zodiac moon
In Vedic astrology, Moon promotes all other planets' energy. It governs childhood. If the native's Moon is faint at birth, coupled with ill stars without benefic ones, it could threaten the child's life. Same thing if no benefic planet is in the Kendra.
Also, the person could die early if they have a bad Moon in the 5th, 7th, 9th, 12, 1st, or 8th house and it joins with a strong Venus, Mercury, or Jupiter.
Vedic astrology describes Moon as windy and phlegmatic. Negativity on the planet might cause several ailments in different zodiac signs:
Malicious Aries Moon gives moderate health. Lung illnesses may affect him/her. Natives may have breathing and blood concerns.
In Taurus, Moon exalts. Natives have high health and endurance. The malefic Moon in Taurus causes eye and throat ailments. He/she may have voice, neck, and tonsil problems.
The moon promotes wellness in Gemini. Those plagued by Moon may get lung diseases. He/she may have respiratory and blood issues.
Here, Moon's house sign promotes inhabitants' wellness. Its affliction might cause chest, digestive, and blood issues.
Moon in Virgo indicates healthy health. If malefic, the native may have skin and stomach problems.
Libra natives are healthy and resistant to disease. If Moon is malefic in a person's chart, they will have urine, blood, and renal problems. Headaches and gastrointestinal issues may also occur.
The moon weakens in Scorpio. So, they may get sick more often. Native children are sickly. Urinary and private part difficulties may also arise.
If the Moon is in Sagittarius, it promotes a person's health. Moon in Cancer causes blood and liver disorders. The native will have nerve, sciatica, and lumbago disorders.
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