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Saturn is often considered a stubborn planet that creates various problems in zodiac signs when in reality, it is the planet of justice. Saturn, as a planetary teacher and cosmic reality check, wants to enhance your life by teaching you (often harsh) lessons and imposing limits.
Understanding where it appears in your birth chart might provide clarity into what you are meant to learn to progress in your life. Let’s see what Saturn wants to convey to our zodiac signs.
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Effects Of Saturn On My Zodiac
Saturn In Aries
Aries is the sign of the individual, originality, and uniqueness. When Saturn is in this sign, the lessons it teaches are about how you limit who you are because of what others think. You may have issues about believing yourself, providing your energy to others, and failing to respect your limits.
Saturn In Taurus
Taurus is the sign that controls your self-worth and material wealth. When Saturn is in Taurus, how you see yourself may be affected by how much money you bring in. Saturn wants you to realize that you are valued and will present you with hurdles that will eventually empower you.
Saturn In Gemini
The chatty sign of Gemini is related to speech, interaction, and voice. When Saturn is in this sign, you may experience difficulties in this aspect of your life, such as not speaking your mind, avoiding small talk, or failing to express yourself. It's much more essential to learn how to speak up.
Saturn In Virgo
With good reason, Virgo is considered the perfectionist of all the zodiacs. When Saturn, the planetary taskmaster, is in this highly focused sign, it's easy to be tough with ourselves when it comes to completing tasks. You can learn to let go of working too hard or worrying over details by simply letting go.
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Saturn In Libra
When it comes to Saturn in Libra, it's all about connections. This Saturn position causes you to have difficulty making choices or sticking to people. Saturn is advising you to work on overcoming commitment fear while also improving your understanding of people.
Saturn In Scorpio
Scorpio is the sign that controls change, passion, and strong ties. When your Saturn is in Scorpio, you may avoid dealing with the more serious aspects of life. The universe wants you to see change and depth as opportunities to improve your life rather than as threats. The best way to learn is to face the changes.
Saturn In Sagittarius
When Saturn is in Sagittarius, you need to be able to back up your views with facts and integrity. You're driven by your own beliefs, not by what others have to say. You may experience personal growth as a result of situations that occur when you are feeling out of your zone.
Saturn In Capricorn
Saturn is Capricorn's planetary ruler, and it feels well at rest here. If this is your Saturn sign, you are more sensitive to the burdens of commitment and duty than others, to the point where you can push yourself and others to extremely high standards. It can be great to learn how to take a moment to double-check.
Saturn In Aquarius
Saturn is also the ruler of Aquarius and is a natural fit for this sign. When it comes to your hopes and dreams, you don't get carried away; instead, you keep things balanced. You can bring your aspirations into reality or learn new things from others once you let go of control and trust in the universe.
Saturn In Pisces
Pisces is a deeply emotional sign, and when Saturn is there, you may feel it necessary to limit and control how much of yourself you expose to people. You may feel like everyone's favorite when it comes to giving advice, but insecurity and accepting help and support are uncomfortable for you. Saturn is showing you that it's time to honor, deal with, and let go of your feelings!
Whenever Saturn is in any zodiac sign, people from that particular zodiac experience life-changing instances which help them to shape their future in the best possible way. Saturn should not be a cause of stress for you as it just wants what's best for you in the long term.
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