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The life of every person on this planet is surrounded by an infinite number of numbers. Each of them has its vibration and energy structure. Therefore the numbers affect the life of each person and carry invaluable information about his life and destiny.
The numbers 11, 22, and 33 are known as
the ‘Master Numbers’, and impact one’s life profoundly. Here’s what they mean for you:
Master Number 11 – The Old Soul
The master number 11 is said to be the most intuitive number, and it often offers a strong connection to the inner workings of your subconscious mind. Those who possess the master number 11 in their date or birth charts are thought to be highly intuitive, and also capable of dealing with even the most stressful of tasks calmly and with ease.
Individuals who possess this type of energy are thought to be old souls, with maximum intuition and insight into what you typically don't see right away. These people are extremely connected to their subconscious, making them experts at tapping into that gut instinct that naturally occurs during certain situations.
Those who have mastered number 11 know the art of calming down stressful situations - they feel it inside themselves so clearly, already, they simply understand how to do it easily.
Master Number 22 – The Master Builder
Master number 22 is called the ‘Master Builder’ because it has the power and insight of master number 11, but with added practicality and discipline.
These people can see big ideas through to fruition. It has high self-esteem and, leadership skills are disciplined when making decisions, and believes in its potential when it comes to putting plans into action as they have incredible intuition that can tap into the collective unconscious.
But there are also specific skills inside of this master number. It contains the discipline, independence, and motivation to make these ideas come to life. Master number 22 has high self-esteem which, is often all one needs to achieve personal success.
Master Number 33 – The Master Teacher
The number which is considered the most powerful of all numbers is 33. It is also known as the Master Teacher. It's considered the most powerful for two reasons:
- One, it contains 11 and 22, meaning upgrades to these two numbers,
- And two, its symbolic meaning relates to the spiritual age when you feel like you've ‘figured it out in life i.e. the moment you become a Master Teacher!
The individual ruled by this number has no personal ambition because they are so focused on building structures to empower others. These people have rare wisdom in their hearts and soul that only gets unlocked when they find someone or something they can be completely devoted to. These master builders are often people who seek out something greater than themselves which helps further humanity.
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Learn astrology, the art of understanding how the heavenly bodies affect us. You can learn to read birth charts, understand the aspects, and many other things here.
Read Also:- Numerology 101 – Figure Out What’s Your Birth Number Says About You!