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When mantras are chanted in proper intonation the mind becomes very calm and composed. Vedic Scriptures have described the importance and benefits of Mantras in detail. Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar says that whenever you chant any mantra after pranayama and meditation, it has a deeper impact on the mind and body and gives better results. Are you looking for the best astrologer online?
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We have often been told to chant a Mantra 108 times. Have you ever wondered why 108 times in particular?? Why not 99 times or 18 times or 128 times? The connection of this lies in the astronomical combination of 9 Zodiacs and 12 Planets which govern our life pattern and our life path. (9 x 12 = 108) Chanting any mantra 108 times impacts all the possible zodiac-planet combinations affecting his life journey and grants wholistic benefits eliminating any negative effects of cosmic planetary combinations. Mantras also have a specific place in astrological birth charts that is the ‘fifth house’ which is associated with ‘purva punya –(good deeds of the past) and purva paap – (Sins of the past)’.
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The Universal Mantra for holistic benefits is said to be ‘Om Namah Shivay’. ‘Om’ is the cosmic universal sound, ‘Namah’ is the reverse of ‘Manah’ (mind), and ‘Shivay’ means Awareness, auspicious, pure (without Selfish Ego dirt). Our mind always drains energy. Reversing the attitude of the mind by chanting ‘Namah” instead of ‘Manah” generates more positivity and calmness. Chanting ‘Om Namah Shivay’ helps to turn the mind inwards towards the ultimate bliss and helps us manifest the divine plan more effectively. Om Namah Shivaya is also a ‘Panchakshari Mantra’ – meaning it has the ability to balance all the five elements. Chanting as a practice should be imbibed a part of our regular routine to experience its multi-fold benefits in life. Have you observed how an abuse or an insult hauled at you changes your thought process, moods and even behaviour? It even influences the decisions you make. This is because words carry very powerful vibrations. If hateful words or loving words impact our mind and behaviour, can you image the impact that sacred blissful chants can have on your mind? Mantras have been scientifically proven to influence molecular pattern in liquids positively. Since our body is made up of 60% water, mantras have a significant effect on our physical and emotional well-being.
Writer - Astrologer Vishnu Dhanuka
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