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Jupiter's transits to Aquarius will affect all the zodiac signs in different ways.
Jupiter is considered the most auspicious planet in Vedic Astrology. Everyone benefits from its presence but, it has a significant grip on some zodiac signs due to the areas of life Jupiter assumes a much more important role by the life aspects and significations it rules in their birth chart over and above what its position in the zodiac would suggest.
On the 21st of November, Jupiter moved into the sign of Aquarius and will stay there till April 13, 2022. This pivotal celestial development will set in motion several highly potent astrological energies that will begin affecting people’s lives. During this time, these zodiac signs will be more profoundly impacted than any others:
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They will feel a sudden burst of momentum. New opportunities related to their work and career will come up soon, improving both the financial situation and sense of pride for the person and what he or she has achieved over time.
They have overcome the seriousness of a care-free existence now and will benefit greatly from the stability of a secure routine. Their outlook on life will be much more serious, with much that is worth looking forward to happening this month.
They can be happy that they've been blessed with a great life. Because they will grow in almost every area of their professional and private life, some people born under this sign might get the chance to become parents one day.
They will feel happy and satisfied like never before. Their innovative spark will get stronger and, they have a favorable time to learn new things such as different skills from their friends or colleagues.
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They can embrace a sense of newness and opportunities unveiling before them and, might be the beginning of a very happy and exciting time. There is hope for better relationships between loved ones.
People will ask them to help make decisions about their future since they are seen as capable of making good decisions. This will help them take on additional responsibilities in their work life.
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