Views: 732
Generally it is seen that people face problem in career related issues very often. Sometimes also they cannot decide in which career path they should go for a better life. Even some times person feels in between middle career path that now they should go for a business rather in job or vice versa. So there is lot of confusion in life to choose the right direction. Here Astrology can help a lot to choose a right path. Even we can solve or can say minimize problems related to hurdles in career.
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In Kundali 10th house is the karma sthan. It is basically the overall karma or career house. From this place we can see the strength of overall career. If any malefic influence is there in this house like malefic planet(s) sits or aspect the same then we can say hurdles or issues comes in life. In the opposite if benefic influence like sitting or aspect etc can give the native a healthy career in life. We have to see the lord of the house who is responsible partially for the way of career. If lord of 10th house is well placed in our kundali and also with benefic influences then it is good, vice versa if 10th lord is not well placed and also malefically influenced then obstacle or break in career comes time to time, when the Dasha/Antardasa comes of the sitting or lord of the house. For a beneficially influenced house/Lord in its Dasa period the native can obtain or achieve his / her goal. Similarly the Dasa period also decide when to switch into business / job subject to the combination of business or job in his/her kundali. Certain combinations in Kundali also decide in which field the native can choose job or business. So it is always advisable for the native to consult a competent and qualified Astrologer before taking any decision or jump into any conclusion regarding career related issues.
For general remedy for any career related issue, hurdles etc we can pray lord Shanidev or chant Shani Mantra because Shanidev is overall responsible or say Karaka for Carrer according to Kalurush Kundali. Or chant “Om Namh Shivaya” mantra for a trouble free career.
Writer - Astrologer Manoj Kar
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