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The vast horizons of education are not only limited to the conventional learning process but there are lots of other procedures that can help to achieve your desired goals.
Astrology finds the faults in the horoscope or chart of a person and finds the solutions to rectify the same. This blog will discuss the various astrological possibilities that may influence the education of your child and the remedies related to it.
As we know, there are 12 houses in a horoscope chart. Among them, the houses 4th, 5th, 9th are the major houses that determine the education path for a child.
When it comes to education, the two most important planets are
Mercury and
Jupiter. They are significant for the cognitive development of your child as well as his or her academic accomplishments.
Jupiter is known as the karaka for education. That is, it helps determine what subject our child chooses and what field of higher education he or she ultimately chooses to pursue in life. When Jupiter is positioned favorably in the natal chart of our child, it indicates that he/she will have an easy time pursuing his/her higher education later on in life.
Mercury too is crucial in your child's education. Mercury gifted awareness, intelligence, and quick thinking with itself. Therefore, the good placement of Mercury in astrology means that your child has natural intelligence to make his/her way in life easier.
A child in a family greatly influenced by these two educational planets in the houses of education is more likely to have a bright outlook when it comes to academics.
Vedic astrology is a 5000-year-old science that helps you know the secrets of your child's future. Use these secrets to help them get the best education possible.
Learn Astrology online by the world-renowned astrologer
Mr. Alok Khandelwal and know the position of the planet's concentration and study habits.
Read Also:- Signs In Your Birth Chart – An Astrological Guide