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Taste is very important in Ayurveda in India. Taste, also known as rasa in Sanskrit, can be described in a variety of ways. Taste is a combination of knowledge, passion, aroma, and juice. The six flavors identified by Ayurveda are as follows:
- Sweet taste
- Sour taste
- Salty taste
- Spicy (pungent taste)
- Bitter taste
- Astringent taste
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Ayurvedic significance of different tastes:
Each taste has a unique quality and provides a particular advantage to the body while also playing an important function in digesting. The process of eating and savoring the food is made enjoyable by a balance or blend of all of the flavors. Each taste is a blend of two of Ayurveda's five elements. Their distinct properties are reflected in their primary constituents, which act on the body by the three doshas. The sweet flavor, for example, is a mixture of earth and water elements, that are the same factors that shape the Kapha dosha. Sweet taste, on the other hand, can have a favorable influence on health and level out illnesses in persons with Vata dosha when consumed in moderate amounts.
The taste of the meal is the first thing that hits us as it reaches our tongue. The taste, whether good or unpleasant, acceptable or repulsive, is what determines if we want to swallow/eat something further. Did you realize, however, that flavor is linked to the digestion of anything we eat? Saliva is the mouth that produces enzymes that aid in the breakdown of food into carbs before it is swallowed.
Read Also:- Know About The Three Doshas: Vata, Pitta & Kapha
Here's how to decipher the six tastes suggested by Ayurveda:
Sweet Taste: Sweet taste, which contains the elements of earth and water, regulates Vata and Pitta dosha while increasing Kapha dosha. This is thought to be the most nutritious of the six types of tastes. They are believed to provide vitality, stamina, and good body fluids when taken in moderation. But be careful not to overdo it, as it can lead to obesity, hypertension, and diabetes, among other health issues.
Sour Taste: It is said to enhance Pitta and Kapha dosha inside the body while decreasing Vata dosha because it contains the elements of fire and water. The sour taste is one of the 6 different kinds of tastes that exist, and it is believed to activate ideas and emotions while also aiding digestion. It should be consumed in moderation, as it can quickly lead to physical aggressiveness.
Salty Taste: Salty taste is made up of earth and fire elements, and it causes Vata to diminish while Pitta and Kapha doshas grow. Salty taste, one of the six tastes in Ayurveda, helps digestion and tissue cleansing due to its moisturizing nature. However, too much of it might lead to hypertension and have an unfavorable effect on the skin and blood. As a result, it's best to consume it in proportion.
Spicy (pungent) Taste: Pungent taste is made up of the components of fire and air, and it is the hottest of the six tastes in Ayurveda. It is used to promote digestion, boost appetite, purify tissues, and improve circulation. Pungent taste also balances Kapha, but if consumed in larger quantities than recommended, it might increase Pitta and cause other health problems.
Bitter Taste: Bitter taste is composed of the components air and space, and it is the coolest of the six tastes. It is naturally cleansing and purifying, and it aids in the removal of waste and poisonous material from the body. Bitter tastes are ideal for Pitta and Kapha doshas and are not good for Vata dosha.
Astringent Taste: The astringent flavor is described as chilly, solid, and dry, and is comprised of air and earth elements. People with Vata should avoid foods with astringent flavors because they can cause gas problems. It is beneficial to people who have a Pitta dosha.
While adjusting all of the tastes stated above in every meal would be tough, a mixture of two or three of all these 6 tastes can allow you to maintain an ayurvedic diet and health balance.
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