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Altering your eating habits and your way of life may be a helpful method to maintain a natural rhythm with the changing of the seasons. After you have gained an understanding of your fundamental nature and attributes, as well as how they shift with the changing of the seasons, it will be much simpler for you to make decisions about a healthier life and food that will improve your immune function, digestion, and energy levels. The majority of us despise the winter's chillier months, and we often fall sick at this time of year, leading us to believe that our immune systems are compromised. On the other hand, according to Ayurveda, our immunity and overall vigor are at their peak during the winter months. Therefore, we need to maintain this throughout the season.
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The season of winter extends to us a discreet invitation to check in to our energies, and this is the time of year when our Agni, which is the metabolic fire that adds to your digestive and physical vigor, should be given the utmost importance. Since your digestive power is at its highest point, now is the time to provide it with the nourishment it needs. The following are some suggestions for maintaining your health over the winter that is deceptively easy to implement.
- Take in some warming meals
This is a no-brainer of a question! Because it is chilly outdoors, you should consume warm items, such as a cup of herbal tea or a soup bowl to counteract the effect. At this point, you should avoid eating anything raw, cold, or frozen. Winter is an appropriate time to consume fermented foods like rice dumplings known as idli, lentil pancakes known as dosa, fermented cabbage known as kimchi, pickled vegetables, and even wine. In the winter, it is very healthy to consume fish and vegetables from the sea.
- Choose foods that will feed you
Your digestive capacity is quite high; thus, you should fuel it with meals that are rich in nutrients and foods that are dense. Root vegetables, winter squashes, and whole grains should be given preference. Be careful to get an adequate amount of protein from foods like meat and beans.
- Consume a diet high in fat
You need fat to keep you warm and to keep the fire in your digestive system burning, so ghee, oils, eggs, and dairy should be on your shopping list. During this time of year, you should indulge in those delicacies that are deep-fried. Don't forget that balance is the name of the game.
- Move around and keep yourself engaged
Get some fresh air and exercise. Participate in a brand new dancing fitness class or yoga session. There are some fantastic fitness sessions available at ArogyaVeda to assist you in keeping your New Year's goals ;) When you exercise, your body produces extra heat, which not only helps you remain warm but also guarantees that your bones are in excellent shape. In the cold, you should never miss a meal. Instead, it is essential to provide it with sufficient nourishment.
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- Receive an adequate amount of vitamin D
A healthy dose of vitamin D from the sun can protect you from becoming sick with the flu. The most effective technique to produce vitamin D is to rub oil all over your body, then either go outdoors or stay near a window sill for a while.
When it comes to Ayurveda, sesame oil is considered to be the greatest oil. Sesame oil causes the skin to produce vitamin D from cholesterol when it is exposed to some sun after being applied to the skin. In response, the skin is responsible for the production of vitamin D through exposure to sunshine.
Consuming warming spices is recommended, in addition to adding some spice to your romantic life. Spices that are warming to the body stimulate Agni, which in turn maintains digestion in a healthy state and keeps you warm. Ginger, black pepper, nutmeg, cumin, and cinnamon are the winter seasonings that I like using the most.
When it is cold outdoors, you should stick to drinking warm liquids. It is much simpler for the body to take in nutrients from warm liquids because they can more easily penetrate deeper layers of tissue and enter more minute channels. A turmeric latte or CCF tea are two tasty beverages that might be considered.
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