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Have you ever wondered what the moon does to your relationships? Here’s the answer.
The Moon in astrology is the ruler of emotions and represents how much affectionate are we and how we demand love from others.
1. Moon Phase One: New Moon
The New Moon is also known as the dark of the Moon, i.e. when the shadow of the Earth, cast by the sun covers the moon completely, giving rise to a darkened lunar phase.
What does this Phase mean for your relationship?
The new moon symbolizes growth, not only in the physical sense but also emotionally and spiritually as well. Likewise, if you’re in a relationship already, both of you can take some time to reflect on your faults and what they need to work on to improve themselves for their future.
2. Moon Phase Two: Waxing Crescent Moon
This occurs about three and a half days after the new moon and looks like a trimmed fingernail in the sky.
What does this mean for your relationship?
The waxing crescent is a time to set new resolutions when you set out to rejuvenate the love for your partner. This waxing moon is about partnerships and companionship.
3. Moon Phase Three: First Quarter Moon
This occurs some seven days after the new moon and runs into the tenth day, and the whole right side of the moon is illuminated.
What does this mean for your relationship?
This phase corresponds to challenges and decisions at the time when all things are working well for the couple. Though this might not always be the case, it means they have settled into a routine where they can converse easily. This conversation is focused on how their relationship has gone so far and what challenges they will potentially face as a couple in the future.
4. Moon Phase Four: Waxing Gibbous Moon
This phase is ten to thirteen days after the New Moon.
What does this mean for your relationship?
Now is the time to make crucial life adjustments and adaptations so that the pressures don't jeopardize your relationship. You must reach out to a relationship counselor if your heart-to-heart talk with your partner isn't working.
5. Moon Phase Five: The Full Moon
The full moon is the most easily recognizable phase in the sky and, the moon is at its brightest.
What does this mean for your relationship?
On the full moon night, the energy is usually highest and represents the strength and power of your intentions. Therefore take advantage of this period when your mind is most open. The high energy and intensity of your projections can make you feel passionate about the people and circumstances that came into your life during this period.
6. Moon Phase Six: Waning Gibbous Moon
The next three to seven days after the full moon. It represents reflection, continuity, and refocusing.
What does this mean for your relationship?
The waning gibbous phase of the Moon is a time when you and your partner take some time to reflect on how things have been going lately. Reflecting on your experiences will help give shape to the individual that you are and will help your decisions for the future.
7. Moon Phase Seven: Third Quarter Moon
This occurs some seven to ten days after the full moon.
What does this mean for your relationship?
This is a season to figure out the things that aren’t benefitting us, purge them out and get a clean slate. It is the time of forgiveness. Old and unsettled disputes are thrashed out and everybody is wearing a smiling face again.
8. Moon Phase Eight: Waning Crescent Moon
This is the phase that precedes a new moon. And it usually runs from the tenth to the thirteenth day after the full moon.
What does this mean for your relationship?
Having expended all of your energy on trying to get things done, now is the time to sit back and appreciate whatever has happened that is out of your control. Now is the time to retreat, regroup, and create space for your brain to handle all of the information. After taking a breather and enjoying the colors and shapes that exist in your environment, you might find you have more energy than ever!
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